PUR continuous line

Panels for walls and roofs

Rigid polyurethane foam is a heat-curing cross-linked polymer. Depending on the chosen formula and on the process conditions, we can obtain several types of polyurethane foams (PUR, PUR B2 and PIR). This material is used to produce sandwich panels endowed with various characteristics, including thermal insulation, mechanical resistance and dimensional stability, used for building insulated panels to be installed in civil and industrial buildings as walls and roofs.

A few characteristics of polyurethane


Rigid polyurethane foam is a material that, after being completely immersed in water and then extracted and left to dry, does not suffer any alteration is size or shape but retains its original chemical and physical properties.

Thermal conductivity

Rigid polyurethane foam is an insulating material that – thickness being equal – guarantees excellent performances. Its thermal conductivity value λd remains stable over time and depends on the type of foam. Such excellent performances ensure high levels of thermal insulation with a significantly lower panel thickness compared to that necessary using other types of insulating materials.

Behaviour in water and water vapour

Thanks to the closed-cell chemical structure of polyurethane foam, the material has low capillary water absorption that is limited to the superficial layers of the objects. The permeability to water vapour of polyurethane foam is expressed in relation to its resistance to water vapour diffusion (μ factor), such that the material can be easily adapted to the most common application requirements.

Dimensional stability

Rigid polyurethane foam is a lightweight but sturdy material boasting excellent dimensional stability, making it suitable for the most severe application conditions.

Acoustic insulation

Closed-cell rigid polyurethane foam is a lightweight material that allows for obtaining good acoustic performances in relation to aerial and impact noise.

Mechanical resistance

Rigid polyurethane foam is a lightweight yet sturdy material. It is suitable for industrial applications that must withstand exceptional mechanical loads and/or abnormal temperature and operating conditions. It is also possible to create foams with higher mechanical performances.


Thanks to its closed-cell structure, rigid polyurethane foam does not suffer – throughout its useful life – alteration caused by water absorption, compression, bagging, etc., retaining both its mechanical and insulation properties.

Resistance to chemical and biological agents

Polyurethane foam possesses excellent resistance to solvents and chemical agents in general. Moreover, polyurethanes are able to withstand biological aggression. They are inert and non-biodegradable, their disposal in the dump does not constitute a potential pollution factor.

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